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Online Divorce in Texas

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Home / Grounds for Divorce in Texas

Grounds for Divorce in Texas

Texas law allows for both no-fault and fault-based grounds for divorce. This flexibility acknowledges that marriages can end for a variety of reasons, and the law provides different options for couples seeking to dissolve their marriage.

No-Fault Grounds for Divorce

  • Insupportability: This is the most common no-fault ground for divorce in Texas. It means that the marriage has become insupportable due to discord or conflict of personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of the marital relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.

Fault-Based Grounds for Divorce

  • Cruelty: One spouse treats the other in a way that makes living together unbearable.
  • Adultery: One spouse has voluntary sexual intercourse with someone other than their spouse.
  • Conviction of a Felony: One spouse has been convicted of a felony and has been imprisoned for at least one year in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, a federal penitentiary, or the penitentiary of another state. However, this ground is not applicable if the spouse was convicted on the testimony of the other spouse.
  • Abandonment: One spouse has left the other with the intention of abandonment and has remained away for at least one year.
  • Living Apart: The spouses have lived apart without cohabitation for at least three years.
  • Confinement in Mental Hospital: One spouse has been confined in a state or private mental hospital for at least three years at the time of filing, and it appears that the mental disorder is of such a degree and nature that adjustment is unlikely or, if adjustment occurs, a relapse is probable.

Key Points

  • Insupportability as a Common Ground: The majority of divorces in Texas are filed under the ground of insupportability, as it does not require proving fault, making the process potentially less contentious and more private.
  • Impact of Fault on Divorce Proceedings: While Texas allows for no-fault divorce, citing a fault-based ground can impact the divorce proceedings, particularly in matters related to the division of marital property, spousal support, and child custody arrangements.
  • Residency Requirements: To file for divorce in Texas, either spouse must have been a resident of the state for at least six months prior to filing, and a resident of the county where the divorce is filed for at least 90 days.


Understanding the grounds for divorce in Texas is crucial for anyone considering ending their marriage in the state.

Whether opting for a no-fault divorce based on insupportability or citing a specific fault-based ground, it's important to consider how the grounds for divorce might affect the overall divorce process, including financial settlements and child custody decisions.

Consulting with a legal professional can provide guidance tailored to an individual's specific situation.

Divorce Process

How Online Divorce in Texas Works?

Step 1

Qualify for divorce

Confirm our product will work for your situation

Step 2

Provide your case details

Provide the information required through our easy to use questionnaire

Step 3

Get your papers

Review forms and make unlimited changes before finalizing documents

Step 4

File for divorce

Papers come with comprehensive filing instructions

Customer Testimonials
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My spouse and I live in different states. I filed the forms in the state I reside, but, at no additional cost to the regular plan, they switched to the correct state and completed the forms. They made this very convenient and they were very helpful and explained everything.

Justin G.
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Texas Online Divorce made the whole process incredibly fast, easy, and painless! They even made all of the court visits for me until we were ready for the final court date where my spouse and I had to appear to sign final forms and complete the process. I would highly recommend Texas Online Divorce to anyone who needs to get a divorce!

Joshua S.
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The divorce assistance was very helpful and made the process easier.

Waymond L M.
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Espero salir lo pronto posible,estoy agradecida con el servicio prestado por ellos.Muy eficaces 😍

Yurisnelkis D.
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I had a fast and easy service with this site, the staff was fast and professional. Thank you!!

Merab L.
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Texas Online Divorce Assistance Service made my divorce process clear, affordable, relaxing, understandable, and an easy to follow process for me.

Linda A.
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The one thing I love about this is how easy it is, I was very scared because I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it by my self

Yaneth A.
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I've been separated for 4 years already he's moved on and so have I he wants to remarry and honestly we have no future together so we both are wanting this divorce

Yolanda Sandra C.
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Loved how easy this was and the different options you have depending on your budget.

Charlotte N F.
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